Combine Vouchers
Posted by Sophie T on 13 May 2015 04:07 PM

If you are ordering multiple products you will need to combine your vouchers as there is only space for one voucher on the checkout page. 

You can also combine vouchers to purchase a larger photobook, or another product. There is a feature on our website that allows you to do this. Click the following link to access it -

To combine your voucher:

1. Enter the voucher codes you want to combine, then click continue. 

* If your voucher is not valid, use the following tool to check your voucher -

** If your voucher has expired please use the following link to extend your voucher - 

2. Enter your name and email address, then click Continue.

3. Click 'OK' to confirm the combining of your vouchers.

4. You will receive a confirmation message and a confirmation email, please note your voucher number that contains the combined value. This is the voucher that will need to be entered on the checkout page. 

If you have any problems combining your vouchers please contact our friendly Customer Support staff and they can assist you.

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